Science is the most obedient servant of mankind. It has given us such a wonderful thing that our forefathers did not even imagine a few years ago. Our forefathers did not know science. They lived a simple life.


They had faith in magic and its wonders, but they had never seen such wonders with their own eyes. But modern science has been in service of mankind and has made our lives so comfortable that ancient men never thought about it. Now we can fly in the sky and walk on the Moon, Mercury and other planets. It is all due to the science.

Science has made us able to travel in space and reach thousands of miles away within a few hours. There are trains, cars and aeroplanes which are very easy sources of journey. Even flying saucers and other things fly with more speed than light.

It is not only travelling and journeys, but science has given us numerous other things. Telephone, television, radio, electricity and many other things are the creations of science. We can hear sound and see the movements of a person who stands thousands of miles away from us. Nowadays a type of telephone has been invented which brings one's picture. Computers are trying to occupy an important position in life. Various medicines are being invented to cure the most dangerous
diseases. Hence science has been serving mankind in every field of life.

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