Preposition, Verbs, Sentences and Pronoun Grammar

Preposition, Verbs, Sentences and Pronoun Grammar

1. Preposition

Is a word that shows the relation between noun & pronoun and another word in a sentence.

For Example (In, at, for, by, on, to, towards, into, with)

Preposition Types

( Preposition of agent).

(By, with)

Is used is the cause of another thing in the sentence.

(By Shakespeare, by him, by her, with water)

(Preposition Types) Preposition of direction

(To, towards, into, through)

It describes the direction. For Example (He jumped into the river)

Preposition Types

Preposition of place

(In, on, at)

In: use for a boundary, physical (hall, car, school, building, Pakistan)

On: use for surface (table, roof, wall, map)

A: specific place (entrance, bottom of glass, edge of roof)

2. Pronoun Types

1. Personal Pronoun

The personal Pronoun stands for three people.

1st Person Pronoun

(I and we)

2nd Person Pronoun


3rd Person Pronoun

(He, She, They, It)

2. Reflexive Pronoun

(Himself, Herself Yourself Itself)

Are called Reflexive Pronouns.

3. Interrogation Pronoun

(What, Which, Who, Whose, Where, Why)

Are called Interrogation Pronoun.

4. Indefinite Pronoun

(Adding at the end Body, One, Thing)

3. Adjective

Is a word which adds something to the meaning of a noun.

Interrogative Adjective

(What, Which)

Demonstrative Adjective

(This, That, These, Those)

4. Sentence

A group of a word which makes complete sense.

For Example (She spoke the truth)

Simple Sentence.

A sentence which has only one subject.

For Example (He ran to school)

Compound Sentence.

A sentence is one made up of two or more principal.

For Example (The moon was bright and we could see our way)

Complex Sentence.

A sentence consists of one main clause and one more subordinate clause.

For Example (He welcomed us, fed us and gave us lodging)

5. Pronoun. is a word which is instead of a noun.

For Example (He, She, They, We, It)

6. Regular Verb

Those can be formed by adding "d" or "ed" at the end of the word.

For Example (laughed, liked, rolled)

7. Irregular Verb.

Are those who e do not add "d" or "ed"

For Example (ate, began, broke, bought)

8. Linking Verbs.

Don does not show an action it just Links the subject with a word.

For Example (become, appear, feel, look, remain, seem, grow)

9. Model Verb. are (Can, Could, May, Might, Must, Will, Would, Shall Should)

10. Minimal Pairs. are those which have different words but sounds are the same.

For Example (Alive - Arrive, Pin - Bin, Bet - Bed)

(Indefinite Pronoun). are thesit’sts ending on Body, One, Thing?

For Example (Someone, Somebody, Something, Anybody, Anyone, Anything, Nobody, No one, Nothing, Everybody, Everyone, Everything)

(Possessive Pronoun). are (Mine, Your, Hers Theirs)

(Reflexive Pronoun). those are (Himself, Herself, Yourself, Itself)

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