National Talent Hunt Program Sukkur IBA Solved Test

National Talent Hunt Program Sukkur IBA Solved Test

National Talent Hunt Program Sukkur IBA University Solved Test-Ihsan Trust

English M.C.Q’s

For questions, 1-10, decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each blank.

Tennis is my     1      sport. Nothing else comes close to a great competitive activity. For one thing, it’s easier to get a     2     going than with a team sport. All you need are      3    _ people, one on each side. Secondly, you can play for     4      at many public courts. Sure, you have to buy a racquet, but a 5 one should last for many 6 _. And a can of tennis

      7     only costs a couple of dollars.

In addition, if you play tennis, you get a lot of 8   . Compare it to a sport like a baseball, where players spend most of their 9 standing around waiting for something to happen.

Yes, as far as I’m concerned, tennis is the          10         sport in the world!


1.            A. funny     B.            easiest   C.           old          D. favourite

2.            A. game     B.            car          C.           player     D.           ball

3.            A. one        B.           two          C.           three      D.           four

4.            A. free        B.            fun         C.           hours     D.           money

5.            A. wooden B.          blue       C.           used      D.           good

6.            A. hours     B.           days        C.           sports     D.           years

7.            A. courts    B.           balls        C.           corn       D.           racquets

8.            A. money   B.           fun          C.           sprains  D.           exercise

9.            A. money   B.            help       C.           time        D.           paper

10.        A. best        B.            worst      C.           same      D.           cheapest


For questions, 11-20, decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each blank.


Take a big truck. Take a comfortable little house. Put them 11 and what do you get? A motorhome. A motorhome has all the comforts of 12. A complete kitchen is standard, with a stove and   13. Most   14    motorhomes come from the factory with a microwave oven too. They have small dining room tables and seats called dinettes. They have living room     15 such as couches, chairs, and a television of course.

Motorhomes come with complete bathrooms. There’s no need to look for a restroom along the highway. Time to wash up? No problem. The well-equipped motorhome has a shower; some even have bathtubs. When you’re 16, just pull open the couch, rearrange the dinette, or walk back to the bedroom. There are sleeping accommodations for the whole family. You can use a motorhome almost anywhere. They produce and store their own electricity. They have 17 to

    18    many gallons of fresh water and wastewater as well. When it’s time to go     19    or to just  20 in style, nothing beats a motorhome!


11.      A. close        B. sideways         C. apart                 D. together

12.      A. cotton       B. home                C. pillows             D. nails

13.      A. shower     B. toilet                 C. camera            D. refrigerator

14.      A. new          B. old                    C. broken             D. fast

15.      A. carpets     B. furniture           C. windows          D. curtains

16.      A. cautious  B. serious             C. angry               D. tired

17.      A. cups         B. tanks                C. pails                 D. glasses

18.      A. leak          B. watch               C. hold                  D. container

19.      A. crying       B. home                C. camping          D. backwards

20.      A. dress        B. design              C. drive                 D. travel


For questions, 21-27, decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each blank.


21.  Ride is to ride as the row is to.


A. road

B. rode

C. rowed

D. route


22.  Bill is to Bill's as it is to.


A. its

B. it's

C. Bills

D. it


23.  They are is to they're as it is is to.


A. its

B. it's

C. iti'

D. is


24.  Close is to as good as too well.


A. water

B. closed

C. open

D. closely


25.  Create is to creation as arrange is to.


A. arrangement

B. arranged

C. arranged

D. arranges


26.  Baby is to babies as a woman is to.


A. girls

B. adult

C. plural

D. women


27.  Man is to his as men are too.


A. Her

B. toys

C. boy

D. their


For questions 28-31, choose the best option (A, B, C or D)




Your cousin claimed to be late because the doors of his house were frozen shut. Even though I have my doubts, his explanation is plausible. It got really cold last night. I'll just have to take his word for it.


If a statement is plausible,.


A.   you must always believe it

B.   you should never believe it

C.   it's hard to understand because it makes no sense

D.  it's believable enough to possibly be true 29.

If you don't curtail your spending, you'll be broke in no time at all! Which word is a synonym for "curtail"?

A.   reduce

B.  follow

C.  behind

D.  buy



No word must ever leak out about this military action! It has to be a clandestine operation to succeed.


Which word is a synonym for "clandestine"?


A.   family

B.  useful

C.  dangerous

D.   secret 31.

Put this medicine on your arm and rub it into your skin until it's invisible. It will inhibit the infection's attempt to spread.


What does “inhibit” mean?


A.   live in a certain place

B.   block or slow down

C.  itch or burn

D.  help to do something important


For questions 32-41, choose the best option (A, B, C or D)


Once upon a time in a land now lost in time, there lived a beautiful young princess named Princess Megan. She lived in a    32     palace where every     33     was met. She had ice cream with every meal. She had clothes made of pure gold. She even had her     34 phones in her bedroom! The palace was indeed a wonderful place to live. It was 35. It was exciting. It was safe. Did I say safe? Well not entirely.

You see, just outside the palace, there was a magnificent    36. In that garden grew the most spectacular     37     and the most     38     fruits and vegetables. However, in that garden there   39    grew the Terrible Onion. No one __40    the Terrible Onion. But it was said that the Terrible Onion would pop out of the ground and eat people when the  41 struck then.


32.          A.      cold                   B. grand               C. stone                D. small

33.          A.     friend                 B. pet                    C. wish                 D. enemy

34.          A.      toy                      B. own                  C. plastic              D. old

35.          A.      luxurious          B. drafty                C. ancient            D. wooden

36.          A.     garden               B. tree                   C. pool                  D. lawn

37.          A.      fireworks           B. sounds            C. flowers             D. stones

38.          A.      rotten                 B. pretty                C. delicious         D. costly

39.          A.     also                    B. never               C. often                D. did

40.          A.      eats                   B. called               C. felt                    D. ate

41.          A.      stick                   B. car                    C. lightning          D. mood


For questions 42-45, choose the best option (A, B, C or D).

Read each paragraph carefully. Choose the best answer to the questions that follow.


Juan loves to play games. His favourite game is chess because it requires a great deal of thought. Juan also likes to play less demanding board games that are based mostly on luck. He prefers Monopoly because it requires luck and skill. If he’s alone, Juan likes to play action video games as long as they aren’t too violent.


What is the main idea of this paragraph?


A.   Juan dislikes violence.

B.   Juan likes to think.

C.   Juan enjoys Monopoly.

D.  Juan enjoys playing games.




Maria is watching too much television. A toddler shouldn’t be spending hours staring blankly at a screen. Worse yet, some of her wild behaviour has been inspired by those awful cartoons she watches. We need to spend more time reading books with her and pull the plug on the TV!


What is the main idea of this paragraph?


A.  Watching a lot of television isn’t good for Maria.

B.   Books are good.

C.   All cartoons are bad.

D.   Some cartoons are bad for Maria.




Samantha, I can’t eat or sleep when you are gone. I need to hear your scratchy voice and see your lovely toothless smile. I miss that special way that you eat soup with your fingers. Please come home soon!


What is the main idea of this paragraph?


A.   Samantha, you have bad manners.

B.   Samantha, you should see a dentist.

C.  Samantha, I miss you.

D.   Samantha, I have lost my appetite.




Someday we will all have robots that will be our personal servants. They will look and behave much like real humans. We will be able to talk to these mechanical helpers and they will be able to respond in kind. Amazingly, the robots of the future will be able to learn from experience. They will be smart, strong, and untiring workers whose only goal will be to make our lives easier.


Which sentence from the paragraph expresses the main idea?


A.  Someday we will all have robots that will be our personal servants.

B.   We will be able to talk to these mechanical helpers and they will be able to respond in kind.

C.   They will look and behave much like real humans.

D.   Amazingly, the robots of the future will be able to learn from experience.


(Stop. Do not turn over this page until you are told to do so.)

Mathematics M.C.Q’s

No. of Questions: 50 (from 46 to 95)                                                   Time allowed: 80 Minutes

Questions starting from page 5                                                             Negative markings: Yes


Q46      The sum of three consecutive natural numbers is 3000. The smallest of these three numbers is

A) 1002

B) 1001

C) 1000

D)   999

Q47     The length of the rectangle is 6 cm more than its breadth. If the perimeter of the rectangle is 308 cm, find the area of the rectangle

A)    6000 cm2

B)    5960 cm2

C)    5920 cm2

D)    5880 cm2

Q48     Find the solution set of the equation: –8 + |6y – 7| = 3


A) {3, 3}



B) {3, 2}

C) {3}


D) { 3}

Q49     Find the solution set of the equation: |7 – x| < 2, x

A)    {x | x and x < 5}

B)     {x | x and 5 < x < 9}

C)    {x | x and x < 9}

D)    {x | x and –5 < x < 9}

Q50     Find the solution set of (2x + 1)(2x – 1) + 1 = 0

A) {0}

B) {0, −1}

C) {0, 1}

D) {1, −1}

Q51     Eliminate t from the following equations:

x = 8t, y = 128t2

A)    y = x2

B)    y = 2x2

C)    y = 4x2


D)    x = 2y


Q52 The mean proportional between 100 and 160 is

A) 400

B) 230

C) 2010

D) 4010

Q53     If x 𝖺


A) 4.5

B) 18


𝑦 and x is 9 when y = 15, find x when y is 30

C) 135

D) None of these

Q54   If the measures of angles of a triangle are proportional to 1, 2 and 3, then the measure of the largest angle of the triangle will be


A)    30


B)    60


C)     90


D) 120

Q55   The marks obtained by 80 students in a Mathematics test are given below:










Number of Students








The Arithmetic Mean of marks is

A)    30

B)     40

C)    50

D)    60

Q56     Find the value of x if the median for 2, 3, 7, x, 10, 15 is 8

A)    6

B)    7

C)    8

D)     9


Q57     The variance of the following set of observations is

–2, –1, 0, 1, 2

A) 2

B) 1.6

C) 1.2

D) 0.8

Q58   If two circles of diameters 20 cm and 10 cm touch externally, the distance between their centres is

A)    5 cm

B)    10 cm

C)     30 cm

D)    None of these

Q59     The set of all points of a plane which are equidistant from a fixed point is called

A)    an ellipse

B)    a parabola

C)    a hyperbola

D)     a circle


Q60     If the value of sin β is 0.8, what is the value of sin –β?

A) 0.2

B) 0.8

C) –0.2

D) –0.8

Q61     In the given triangle a = 21 and c = 29.

The value of sin B is



A)   41


B)   41


C)    29


D)   29



0                        0

2sin 45 + 0.5 cosec 45 =












2 5


2 3



Q63     {1, 2, 3, 5, 7} {3, 5, 7, 9, 11}

A) {1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11}

B) {3, 5, 7}

C) {1, 2, 9, 11}

D) None of these

Q64     The domain of the binary relation R = {(2, 1), (4, 3), (6, 5), (8, 7)} is

A) {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}

B) {1, 3, 5, 7}

C) {2, 4, 6, 8}

D) None of these


Q65     The relation R = {(a, b) | a = 2b} in Z, the set of integers, has the range {4, 8, 10, 12}. Its domain is given by

A) {2, 4, 5, 6}

B) {8, 16, 20, 24}

C) {2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 16, 20, 24}

D) None of these

Q66     If M = [1     2] [1     1] then |M|

3    4    3    3

A)    –2

B)        2

C)     zero

D)    None of these

Q67     The inverse of A = [13  −4] is

3       1

A) 25 [ 13    −4]

−3      1

B) 0.04 [ 1       4 ]

−3     13

C) 25 [1     3 ]

4    13

D) None of these

Q68     The length of a rectangle is 10 cm more than its breadth. If the perimeter of the rectangle is 100 cm, then the area of the rectangle will be




A)    300 cm2

B)     600 cm2


C) 600 cm2

D) None of these




Suppose z is some constant and w = 11, is a solution of the equation w + zw + 33 = 0,

then the other solution of the quadratic equation is

A)        8

B)    –8

C)        3

D)     –3


Q70     The value of cosec 600 is


A)      2 1

B)      2


C)    3




Q71     The value of 5(35 + 125) is

A) 5(5 + 231)

B) 5(5 7 )

C) (5 + 12)

D) None of these


Q72     The sum of three consecutive integers, of which x is the largest integer.

A)   3x

B)  3x + 1

C)  3x + 2

D)   3x – 3


Q73     Which expression is equivalent to 2log(4/𝑥),

A)   (log4 log)2

B)      log16 2logx

C)   –2log4logx

D)    None of these

Q74     The value of 364𝑥12𝑦15

A) 16𝑥36𝑦45

B)  8𝑥4𝑦5

C)  4𝑥4𝑦5

D) None of these

Q75     What should be added to 6x3 + 13x2 + 4x + 20, so that it becomes exactly divisible by 2 + x2?

A) – 8x + 6

B) 8x 6

C)     8x – 6

D)     8x + 6

Q76     Find the value of 𝑥4 + 1


when 𝑥 + 𝑥 = 2







A)      2





C)    8

D)    16




3            2                    5

The degree of the polynomial 6xy

A)    two

B)    three

C)     four

D)    five



2                  2

H.C.F of 28x y and 42xy is

A)      14xy

B)    28xy


C)    42xy


D)  56xy

+ 13xz

+ 4xyz + 20



2                  2                        2

The least common multiple of x + x – 6, 2x + 9x + 9 and x + 7x + 12 is

A) (x – 2)

B) (2x + 3)(x + 4)

C) (x 2)(2x + 3)(x + 4)

D) (x – 2)(2x + 3)(x + 4)(x + 3)

Q80     The equation ax2 + x + c = 0, will not represent a quadratic equation, if

A)   a = 1

B)   a = 0 and c G 0

C)  ac 0

D)  a > 0 and c < 0

Q81 Which of the following is irrational?

A) 22


B) 0.3333…

C) 0.16666….

D) 𝜋

Q82     Solution set of 𝑥 = –6 is A) { 6 }

B) { 36 }

C) { }

D) { –36 }

Q83     Find x when the Matrix is singular





A)       2

B)  –2

C)       3

D)       None of these

Q84     x2 x + 1 = 8 is a

A)    linear equation

B)     quadratic equation

C)    cubic equation

D)    None of these


Q85     x3 x2 + 2 =

A) (x + 1)(x2 2x 2)

B) (x + 1)(x2 2x + 2)

C) (x 1)(x2 + 2x + 2)

D) (x 1)(x2 2x 2)

Q86     If (x3 x2 226x + 1410) is divided by (x + 17), then the remainder is

A)      20

B)      30

C)      40

D) 50


Q87     Simplified form of 2𝑧2−3𝑧w2 is










(3𝑧−w)w (2𝑧−3w)

𝑧−3w w(3𝑧−2w)




Q88     In the matrix[10   20], the diagonal elements are

30    40

A) 10, 20

B) 30, 40

C) 20, 30

D) 10, 40

Q89     If A = [ 1     3], then |A–1| =

2    4

A)            2

B)        –2

C)     0.5

D) –0.5

Q90 Suppose a system of two equations in two unknowns is given in matrix form as Ax = [10].


If A is a non-singular matrix with A–1 = [ 10 15], then the unique solution of the system is

20    25

given by

A) [25]


B) [700]


C) [400]


D) None of these

Q91 Construction of a triangle is possible when the sum of measures of two sides is the third side.

A)    equal to

B)     greater than

C)    less than

D)    All of these

Q92     Consider the following six real numbers

20                       10                  –20                      19                   –10                     –19

i) (10)              ii) (–20)           ii) (20)             iv) (– 30)         v) (–20)            vi) (–19)

A)    all numbers are positive

B)    all numbers are negative

C)     two numbers are negative and four numbers are positive

D)    two numbers are positive and four numbers are negative Q93           Find an if log𝑎 243 = 5

A)    2

B)     3

C)    4

D)    5

Q94     log11 5 =

log11 15

A)    log11 15

B)    log11 5

C)   log5 15

D)     log15 5


Q95 The Distributive Property of Intersection over Union is given by  (B    C) = (A   B)    (A C) (A    B)' = (A' B') A   (B   C) = (A    B)   (A   C)

D) (A    B)' = (A' B')


(END of the TEST)

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