Never forget those who were loyal in hard times

Never forget those who were loyal in hard times

Time never stops for anyone, and if we do not prepare ourselves for the opportunities, we'll miss them. 

We only give up when we do not have the courage and skills required to face the challenges and struggles that come along with the opportunity.

Giving up is always an option, we can give up at any time we feel like it, but standing on our grounds and facing all the challenges, fears, miseries and struggles that come in the pursuit of our goals takes courage, perseverance and grit.

So, try and keep trying until you become the person you want to be. 

Remember failure is an event and not a person. We are failing which means we are trying. 

Failure is inevitable but it is not the end.

Do not give up on yourself and have faith in your abilities to overcome any circumstances that come your way.

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